Monday, April 10, 2006

Notes: Working out personalities

Lockers rearranged to create harmony
By Beth Sass /

MINNEAPOLIS -- Here for the Sass reported that they spent Sunday evening rearranging their lockers. Long-time avid outdoorsman R. Mackowiak had been placed next to suit-and-tie J. Encarnacion. While the men usually get along fine in the clubhouse and on the field, Clubhouse manager Rachel discovered that their friendship worked better at a distance.

"JEn was constantly complaining about the smells coming from 'Wiak's locker, so we decided to make a move."

Mackowiak mentioned that he often will get up early in the morning to try fishing near where ever they're playing. Often, he'll come straight from the water to the game, changing clothes and showering in the Sass locker room.

"He's not allowed to bring fish in here, though," Beth and Dawn said, emphatically.

Mackowiak was moved next to J. Duchscherererer, who was so busy replacing the graphics card in his laptop, he has yet to notice that K. Benson isn't next to him anymore.

R. Johnson throws a Tantrum, Part V - Sass pitcher R. Johnson threw a tantrum again on Sunday, this time over M. Guerrier's guitar-playing. Both Guerrier and Johnson were at the park early for an extra pitching practice. After both did some warm-ups, Guerrier went back to his locker and pulled out his acoustic guitar. Johnson immediate started yelling at him to be quiet.

"I need to concentrate before a game, to get myself in the groove. Even if I'm not pitching, my team deserves to have me at full concentration," Johnson explained.

Guerrier was flabbergasted, "Johnson is a starter--he wasn't even pitching today! I'm a reliever. I never know when I'm going to pitch. Playing the guitar is my way of clearing my mind and getting myself into game-mode. If he were the starter that day, then I'd let his wishes prevail. But he's just going to sit in the dugout during the game."

Guerrier is planning on collaborating with Mockball Madness's B. Arroyo during the off-season to put together an album.

"Dunn" with it! A. Dunn, Sass outfielder, reported this morning that he finally finished reading Moby Dick.

"I usually finish one or two books a day, just devouring them. But it took me two days to read Moby Dick because it was just so boring. I'm glad I read it, though. It had many great literary moments, and can see completely how that book influenced so many writers of the twentieth century--it's quite obvious in Hemmingway. Even [Stephen] King pulls from the literary techniques of Melville," Dunn told reporters.

Since finishing, Dunn has also completed The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, and has started to read Jazz by Toni Morrison. Dunn will be joining Sass outfielder R. Johnson at Northwestern Memorial Hospital on Wednesday to read to hospitalized children. Dunn and Johnson have put their literary collections together for a day of laughter.

Player shortage: Dawn and Beth noted some of their players were looking a little weary from the weekend, and will be resting many of their regulars--and back-ups. Today they will be playing with only two outfielders, and without a third baseman or first baseman. They are keeping a utility player to fill in the missing roles as needed.

"We also have only one available reliever today, but we do have two starters--we'll have to see which one gets the nod, and which one sits on the bench," Beth commented.

Dawn said they were hedging towards starting T. Ohka and letting K. Benson sit on the bench unless needed later in the game.


At 10:33 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

That was hard work, rearranging all those lockers last night after the lacrosse game! They'd better appreciate it!


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