Sunday, April 09, 2006

Breaking news

Update #2
dawn sass

The BBL commissioner found safe and with no lasting harm done to him, early Sunday, near Baltimore, MD. He has released a statement:

"Dude, I was just out drinking with AT. I don't know why everyone got so upset. We got drunk and decided we wanted to go to Baltimore to visit CarrieICL and JLubby. I guess we forgot that they moved to Minnesota. Hey, did you know I used to live in London? i did! Dude, I totally did. I bet I'm the only person in the United States who knows anything at all about brit slang or culture. You need to know anything, you just give me a call, because I used to live in London. I so did. And now? Now I live in New York. As in City. That's right, I live in New York City. Yep, I'm a New Yorker, which means I'm way cooler than you."

Reporters then turned and walked away from the commissioner.


At 7:40 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

heh heh.

The commissioner then went on to say, "I totally work for, so if you have any questions about baseball, ask me, because I know the answers." He then started to ramble about what a hack he thinks Tom Hanks is.

At 9:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm surprised the press stayed long enough to get that much information. I would have left after the first sentence.

At 10:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the duty of the press to get all the information. Normally, the editor would be upset with the reporter for leaving before the subject was done speaking, but this was not the case.

At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd give the reporter a raise. That's come cruel and unusual punishment right there.

At 4:51 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

and your friends love you too.


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