Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Notes: Quiet day to relax

Most of the Sass enjoy day off
By Beth Sass / hereforthesass.blogspot.com

KANSAS CITY -- Mondays are usually off-days for the Sass--not that they're schedule gives them the off-day, but that management picks a lucky few to take a day of rest; oftentimes, those who play will get to take off Thursday, but not always.

"It's kinda random," Beth said, "We don't play favorites. Everything is done by the schedule. If their real team is playing, then they're playing. We want it to be completely out of our hands."

Even though outfielder J. Dye's team was playing on Monday, he was one of the luck ones with the day off. He joined pitchers K. Benson and M. Guerrier, as well as manager Dawn, for a day of shopping in the malls local to the Kansas City area.

"We made it back in time to watch the game, but we had just made it to the dugout in uniform when the first pitch was thrown. [First baseman D.] Mientkiewicz told us that we missed the worst possible rendition of the Star Spangled Banner in existence. Shaggy [Guerrier] was quite relieved--he has a very musical ear. We could tell by Dougie's shuddering that it was bad," Dye said.

Under the influence of Dawn, all three men returned from the excursion with new suits, shirts, ties, and shoes. Dawn returned with a new pair of shoes, as well as a new skirt.

Mientkiewicz and second baseman M. Grudzielanek both spent the day at the local elementary school, teaching phonics to underprivileged students; they used connections for outfielder R. Johnson, whose "Reed to Kids" program is one of the most well-known children's literacy programs in the United States and Canada. Outfielder E. Brown joined Johnson and introduced simple poetry to the students.

F. Catalanotto spent his time out at a local ranch riding horses. "I actually helped one of the ranchers in breaking a young horse. It's a little dangerous, but I've got plenty of experience. It all turned out okay," he said.

Pitcher K. Lohse was invited to speak at a luncheon regarding mentorships for children in poverty. His work as a public speaker often brings him invitations to various events. "Children in poverty are a special concern of mine," he said, "I didn't grow up rich, but I grew up with enough advantages in life that I'm glad I had. I see these kids who don't even have an opportunity to use their skills, and it's such a waste. I'm always happy to speak at these events. I hope others can see my work, and take action," Lohse said.

Pitchers C. Silva and A. Burgos spent the day toilet-papering the hotel rooms of the Baja Manitoba players, who all left for the stadium earlier in the day. The had stolen some of SBGF's personal toilet paper during their recent series against the Assassins, so they're pretty sure the Baja players will not suspect them.

"SBGF, he keeps that TP under a lock and key. I can't say how I managed to get some, but it was a pretty daring robbery," Silva said.

Burgos, being a young player, appreciated Silva's allowing him to help with the prank. "Being a young guy, I always feel a little bit like I don't quite belong. All these guys are established stars, and then there's e.e. [Sass third baseman E. Encarnacion] and me--we're new to the scene. To have the Ace of the Staff invite you to hang out with him on your off-day is pretty special."

A new week: What does it hold? As a new week of play started on Monday, Beth and Dawn waited anxiously to see how their team would face up against Baja Manitoba, run by manager frightwig.

"We're a little nervous, not gonna lie," Dawn said, "After last week's contest, I'm a little wary coming into a new week."

The pitching started very positively with J. Duchschererererer pitching one inning, without giving up a hit or run, and striking one out, earning him a well-deserved save. Meanwhile, non-Sass pitcher E. Guadardo blew yet another save in Seattle, allowing Sass pitcher J. Mateo to come in for the tenth inning and pick up a win. The fact that the team ERA and WHIP both currently sit at 0.00 allowed for champagne in the clubhouse after the game.

"I. Can. Not. Believe. It," was the response from the stunned Beth, "I don't expect it to last, but for now, I'm having champagne!"

Johnson throws a tantrum, Part XVII: Sass pitcher R. Johnson declared he was going on strike on Monday, and refused to show up for the game.

"I need a nap," he said, glaring at the press. "I work hard for this team. I think I deserve a day off once in a while. I don't know why I have to show up every single day."

Update on the DL: Beth took the opportunity of an off-day to jet over to Nice for the day to check up on the guys on the DL. "Rocco [Baldelli] and Grant [Balfour] are doing fine. They're progressing Nice-ly." Beth was then hit multiple times by her team for the bad pun. She was rushed to Health Midwest Medical Center to check for a concussion. She was pronounced fine after a battery of tests.

There is no indication of how soon Baldelli could join the team--he's doing well in his re-hab assignment, but trainers are still discussing how soon they want to him to play.

No one is, at present, even considering the possibility of Balfour joining the team anytime in the next month. Indications are still pointing to June, at the earliest, but no one is taking those odds to Vegas, yet.


At 7:53 AM, Blogger dawnmarie said...

dude. this team and their shopping trips are getting expensive for me! but at least i get new shoes.

At 8:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're making money as the team owner, though, so it works out.

At 10:21 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

I'm glad to hear that Silva is taking the time to show young Ambiorix the finer points of playing pranks.


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