Locker room redo deemed a success under slight controversy.
Team builder makes for unique results
by dawn sass/
Monday morning's teambuilder was deemed a success by all. There was some debate over the proper colors to choose, but in the end, K. Benson won the right to choose the scheme, and the results are calming for all to see.
"I tell you, that's the last time Kristen gets to make any decisions." M. Grudzielanek was overheard saying.
A player who chooses to remain anonymous assured this reporter that "I like it, it's calming, reminds me of my mommy."
Carlos Silva waas unable to comment due to the laughing fit he was having as he surveyed the new surroundings.
Beth and Dawn stayed out of the decision making process. "This was a team building exercise. We wanted them to be a team, and learn to make decisions as a team. We just followed along with the credit card to pay for the paint." Beth commented as Dawn hovered in the background, snickering behind her hand.

Awwww... It's pretty!
Exccellent reporting skills, Dawn!
now that is one freaking awesome locker room! ;-)
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