Notes: Battery resting
To rest their catcher, sass rest their pitching
By Beth Sass /
MINNEAPOLIS -- The Here for the Sass team is known for making unconventional moves when it comes to setting their line-up. They have an extra challenge by not having a back-up catcher, so they often pull one of their non-catchers to fill the role when A. Pierzynski needs a rest. On Friday, however, they tried a new approach.
"Our pitching staff was feeling a little tired, too, so we decided we'd just do without the entire battery," Beth said.
Despite the bold move, the Sass managed to hang onto a very slight lead against the Waukesha Nosaurs for Friday's game, although Beth and Dawn have misplaced the scores from all the weekend games. This is partly due to personal issues, but more due to the fact that the Twins were playing the Yankees and it being Easter weekend.
"We can only do so much," Dawn said, "We love our boys here, but they're big boys. They can take care of themselves."
J. Duchschererer had been keeping track of the scores for Beth and Dawn, but a hard drive failure has caused all of his data to disappear.
"I just bought this one last week to replace another one that wasn't working well, so this really sucks," Duchschererer said, "I think I'm going to scrap this one and re-build."
R. Johnson throws a tantrum, Part X Sass pitcher R. Johnson was heard screaming in the dugout on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
"I don't know," Sass pitcher K. Lohse said. "I think on Friday it was when Twins pitcher Young Scott Baker three-hit his Yankees--he thought it was very unfair for a 24-year-old rookie to do that. I tried to explain to him that Baker pitched too many innings last year and is not a Yankee, but that just wasn't sinking in."
The problems on Saturday seemed to stem from a broken shoelace in Sass infielder R. Mackowiak's shoes. Johnson took offense that Mackowiak did not replace the shoelace in his street shoes, but instead knotted the lace.
Sunday's problem was completely inexplicable.
"I have no idea," Sass outfielder J. Encarnacion said, "I heard him shouting something about shampoo and conditioner and Brad Radke's hair. I thought about asking, but I really don't want to know. I use the same stuff as Bradke, and I've never had a problem, so I'm guessing that not even Bradke's hair products will help Johnson, and that annoyed him."
Commissioner scandal! As the Sass this week gear up to face the Commissioner of the BBL's team, a new scandal has broken out. BBL Commissioner SBGF has been reportedly lying about his age. Rather than the 30 years he tries to pass off as, it's been reported that he's really 14 years old.
"Well, he kinda acts like it," Beth told reporters when the rumors broke, "I mean, the insecurities, the bravado. It's all very much like a sullen teenager. On the other hand, maybe that's just the way he is."
The front offices of the BBL are scrambling trying to find evidence of SBGF's real age, but so far have found no proof either way.
"Dude, there is no way I'm 14. I'm a good actor--unlike that hack Tom Hanks. I live in NYC, and I lived in London and I work for No 14-year-old kid would know as much as I do about the world," Brian responded to the allegations.
We have a winner: Sass outfielder Frank Catalanotto apparently took first place in a horse show during an off-day last week.
Catalanotto said that he's been riding horses and competing in various events since he was seven years old. "I've always loved riding horses. I still remember the first time I got on a horse by myself--it was a very thrilling moment. For me as a child, every day was a decision: to play baseball or ride horses. I guess I probably played more baseball, but I was always kinda glad when the Little League season was done, and the neighbor kids were on vacation, so I could get down to the barn and ride."
The race was sponsored by the Northern Outfitting Club in Minneapolis, to which Mackowiak is a key member. Mackowiak attended the event, but said he spent more time helping get the animals lined up to actually watch the event.
"Seriously, I know nothing about horse racing and showing horses and all of that stuff," Mackiowack said, "But Cat there has been talking about nothing more than describing barrel racing--y'know, I'm pretty sure if you put me against a barrel, I'd win too."
Clowning around: Sass pitcher C. Silva showed up with an addition to Sunday's uniform attire. In honor of the Easter holiday, Silva chose the home white uniform--which is rare with him--and handed everyone a headband with bunny ears on it. The BBL didn't have time to forbid the wear of the ears before the game started. The Waukesha Nosaurs complained that it was distracting, but the umpires couldn't find a rule to specifically forbid it, since it was uniform throughout the entire team.
I think it's entirely possible that while the commissioner really is 30, his brain stopped developing somewhere around age 14.
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