NOTES: Fan Feilding Practice
Sass Fans to Arrive Early
By Beth Sass /
MINNESOTA -- The Here for the Sass team would like to remind all fans that they are required to show up an hour early to Sass Stadium for tonight's game, versus Mockball Madness, owned and managed by BFB Commissioner "Nick".
"We watched the fans fielding foul balls last night and were appalled," said Sass Co-Owner and Manager Dawn Sass. "It's obvious that not too many fans attended spring training, and many are out of practice from last year."
Fans on Monday and Tuesday were missing and dropping foul balls.
"The Sass have always prided themselves on being a defensive team," said Sass Co-Owner and Manager Beth Sass. "It's just unacceptable to have such a poor showing, particularly in front of the league commissioner. Let's show them with a solid night of fan fielding Wednesday."
Continuing from last year, Beth will be unable to attend Wednesday night games, and Dawn will need to miss a few.
Accountant Returns: It had originally been assumed that the Sass would not be able to retain the services of Sass Accounant, Theresa, based on her decision to field her own team in the newly formed BFB. However, on Tuesday night Beth and Dawn were able to reach an agreement, as Theresa has decided she can handle the duties of both running her own team and managing the Sass accounts.
"T's back!" was the shout in the Sass Clubhouse when the deal was announced at the end of the game.
"She was good last year--we got bonuses, we got treats, everything," gushed outfielder Rocco Baldelli. "But what really rocked was her ability to get Sass Air running. I made a couple of trips to Nice [France, home of the Sass Rehabilitation Center] last year. When Sass Air was running, the trips were much more enjoyable."
Long-Lost Siblings Re-United: It's only two days into the season, but the Sass have already seen a miracle. Right away, Sassians noticed the remarkable similarities between Sass pitcher Jimmy Gobble and Sass photographer, Bobbi. Through some detective work, it was discovered that Jimmy and Bobbi share the same father, but both were adopted.
"It's so cool," said Jimmy. "I've always thought it would be cool to have a big sister, and now suddenly, I have one! I wish she had been around when we were younger. I'm sure I would've gotten into hockey at a much younger age."
Bobbi shared similar sentiments, "I'm sure Jimmy and I would've had a lot of fun together, with my brother. We would've fought, 'cause that's what siblings do, and made Mom's life miserable."
Now that she knows the truth, Bobbi has taken on the same last name as her brother.
Advertising: After an award-winning year of advertising, the Sass are back on track for another fun year. Artist Placido Polanco has designed a new look for the Sass this year--keeping the colors and logo so beloved by Sassians and Fans alike. Amateur cartoonist and Sass outfielder Rocco Baldelli has taken to designing billboards to amuse and attract new fans.
"Here for the Sass is all about fun. We try to field a competitive team, and offer a great baseball experience for the true baseball fans, but we want to generate excitement and an atmosphere of fun amongst the beauty of baseball," said Rocoo. "Placido's art and my humor help to get the message across to potential fans who might be uncertain."
The Sass have limited tickets available to all remaining games, and fans are encouraged to call the Sass Ticket Offices for more details.
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