NOTES: Opening Day
Home Runs Abound
By Beth Sass/
MINNEAPOLIS -- The Here for the Sass technically opened their season playing a short game on Sunday, but since the Minnesota Twins didn't open their season until Monday, Sass owners Beth and Dawn Sass refused to acknowledge it.
While the Sass did not hit particularly well on Monday, a few players had some highlights worth noting. Previous years' home run leader, outfielder Adam Dunn, hit two home runs. Not to be outdone, new Sassian shortstop Edgar Renteria matched him.
"Wow. I'm one of the younger guys on the team, but it's nice to know I can inspire the older veterans who are new here," Adam said.
Surprises for the New Kids: There are twelve new guys on the Sass roster this year, with 11 players returning from last year.
"I was so excited when the Sass picked me up in the last round," said relief pitcher Braden Looper. "I really enjoyed being with the Sass last year, and it was a pain when I was sent away for the brief time. I'm glad I was always allowed to come back and work with Kat [Sass Uniform and Equipment Manager], but it's nice that I'll always be here now, doing what I love best."
The new players entered the clubhouse a little hesitantly on April first, but happily enjoyed the atmosphere of balloons, pancake cake, and apples. They were amused by the uniforms in purple and pink.
They were a bit surprised to enter the clubhouse on Monday to find the same excitement--and the clubhouse still decorated in the Sass pink and purple, and the same uniforms still there.
"That wasn't an April Fool's joke?" said new outfielder Moises Alou.
The twelve returning Sassians assured him that this atmosphere was typical not only of the clubhouse, but it often continued into the dugout, although BFB did not allow the parties onto the field.
"Last year's commissioner didn't really like us having fun," said outfielder Adam Dunn, one of two Sassians originally drafted in the '06 season that remains with the team. "I understand he got a girlfriend and has really relaxed in the last year, but I'm glad we have Nick. Playing Mockball Madness were our favorite series last year. He'll enjoy our fun, as long as we remember that we are here to play baseball--even if we do it poorly."
Beth noted that Adam earned a bonus for using the word "poorly" rather than the typical jock misuse of the word "bad" as an adverb.
Home Again: The Sass enjoyed opening their season in the historic Sass Stadium for the first time. The stadium, as per the norm, was sold out.
"I don't think we've ever not had a sell-out," said Sass secretary, Laura. "I can see why. The team is one of the highlights of the town, and looking at the promotions last year and those coming up this year...well, when you add that there is no bad seat in the stadium, it doesn't get better than that."
This year's opening day give-aways included a deck of Sass playing cards. Each player and member of the front office was portrayed on a different playing card.
"I was thrilled to find out I was the jack of diamonds," said Sass pitcher Aaron Harang. "I like being known as the king of the diamond. I tried asking for a crown, but Beth and Dawn said it was against BFB rules."
Sassians will wear a patch with their playing card on their left sleeve.
Playing with the Fans: The starting rotation, with the exception of Aaron Harang who pitched on Monday night, spent the pre-game time in the concourses of Sass Stadium. Fans were allowed to play a multitude of games with the pitchers--including Old Maid, Go Fish, Sorry!, Hungry Hungry Hippos, and Candyland.
"That was fun!" exclaimed Jeremy Sowers, the youngest pitcher in the Sass starting rotation. "I did spend the end of the year with the Sass last year, but I'm still amazed every time I'm told of a new promotion here. There's never a dull moment."
Number Woes: As all Sassians are affiliated with a Major League Baseball team, they all come to the Sass with their own numbers. Kat, assisted by Braden Looper, have found it difficult this year, with the great number of repeating numbers. Pitchers Jimmy Gobble and Braden both wear the number 41, pitchers Jonathan Papelbon and Justin Duchschererererer share the number 58, catcher Ivan Rodriguez and outfielder Jeff Franoeur both wear 7, outfielder Rocco Baldelli and infielder Michael Cuddyer both choose 5, and infielder Luis Rodriguez shares 38 with pitcher Darren Oliver.
"That's a lot of double numbers!" said Dawn.
To avoid confusion, Adam and Michael switched positions this year. Last year, Michael generally pratrolled the outfield, while Adam manned first base. With Rocoo Baldelli healthy, and presumably playing the entire year, the Sass wanted to avoid two number fives in the outfield. Michael agreed to switch with Adam.
"This is to make it easier on the announcers," Beth explained. She said the announcers were on their own when it came to the pitchers.
Hahaha. Playing cards. Frickin' sweet.
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