Thursday, March 01, 2007

Front Office Update

Beth and Dawn Sass are happy to announce that Angela has agreed to retain her position as Mascot Caretaker for the Here for the Sass team. Last summer, the Sass installed a glassed in area to keep penguins in. Although no one has yet to identify what's so sassy about penguins, Beth and Dawn assured everyone that it was appropriate.

Angela took the role of Mascot Caretaker late in the year. Julio Mateo, who held the position prior to Angela's joining the Front Office, had expressed a desire to work more on pitching. He has agreed to assist Angela this year, if necessary, but hopes that his main duty will be on the mound.

"I'm hoping for the Sass to draft me again this year," Julio said to the press shortly after the announcement. "They're being pretty quiet about their draft picks this year, so I'm not entirely sure."

Angela has ordered a new Herring Gun for the penguin mascots treats. An identical gun will be used to shoot free prizes to Sass fans during games.


At 10:11 AM, Blogger Laura said...

Don't you mean the "pengies?"


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