NOTES: Oh, yeah…
Sass win first series in dominating fashion
By Beth Sass /
CHICAGO - Here for the Sass realized Wednesday afternoon that they won the first series of the year in somewhat dominating fashion. While it was no where near 14-0, the final record of 10-2-2 was pretty amazing, especially for a team that had less than 12 ties all of last year.
“I think we tied 6 times,” reported Beth Sass, “But we’re not really sure. We lost our scorebook.”
The Sass were pretty quiet about their win.
“Well, it was really an elaborate April Fool’s joke that went awry,” admitted pitcher Kyle Kendrick. “We’re making up for it this week, playing more to Sass standards.”
It’s a long growing season. There is definitely feelings of anxiety amongst two of the Sass bullpen pitchers. Relievers Joe Borowski and Jeremy Accardo had already set up plans for growing plants in the bullpen. Joe already has multiple plants started in his locker, and noted that the seedlings were about ready to be planted outdoors, but the weather has not cooperated.
“It’s too cold, and it’s supposed to snow in Minnesota. I don’t think we’ve ever had snow in New Jersey this late in the year!” said Joe.
Jeremy, an Arizona native, just looked stunned when he saw the weather report. “Snow? It’s spring! It can’t snow in spring! It must be a sign of the end of the world! It’s impossible.”
Minnesota native, Catcher Joe Mauer looked at him and shrugged, “I’ve built snowmen in May before.” Jeremy simply looked at Joe in horror.
Singing in the rain… With their Minnesota Twins and Chicago White Sox being rained out, it was requested by the Batling Fantasy Baseball that all three men sit on the bench. While it was frustrating to Beth and Dawn, who were already short players, they complied with the rules. This led to excitement.
“I totally get to play in my first BFB game!” shouted back-up catcher Paul Lo Duca. Paul was actually in Nice recently to spend time with former Sass outfielder Rocco Baldelli, and has been spending so much time cooking for the Sass that Beth and Dawn usually left him out of the line-up.
“Besides,” Beth said, “It’s funnier to have a 6’6” catcher than a 5’10” catcher.” Upon being informed that Joe was listed at 6’5’, Beth responded, “Meh, he’s taller than anyone else on the team, so I’m not going to quibble over details. I would, however, like to see proof of his height.”
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